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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What is wrong

Dont know why,but recently I really find my brain working real slow la.....slower than a snail can?
Dont know is it some pressure tat I am having tat making me like tat or its just the fact tat MY BRAIN IS REALLY SLOW.....haha

Last week went to dance...this is what happen... : Not able to follow the dance steps and worst I cant remember the steps.. my KAKI and TANGAN dont want cooperate.... Everyone turn back I still facing front...so memalu-kan......

Wish me luck for tommorrow's class....

Monday, July 30, 2007

Buat Pandai Pandai

Remember bout one months plus ago, i signed up for fitness classes.. As preparation for the class I bought an addtional long pants for the classes. I only bought one as initially I dont think i will so hardworking go so many classes.. Then I felt one pair is not enough,so last two weeks I went to get my second pair of long pants.

The first time I bought time,I did tried it and it was "L" size pants. But somehow I dont know why my brain keep telling its "M" size pants when I went to get my second pair. So as I was very confident that my first pair is "M"(which is actually "L") size pants..i went to the big basket there and start finding but cant find any "M" size pants but theres a lot of "L" size pants there. At last I had to choose another color that has "M" size pants..

And when i got home...I realised that I has just bought the wrong size pants..Spend so much time there looking for the wrong size pant! Felt like slapping myself that time..... Next time I will make sure I really know the actual pant size first, dont wan buat pandai pandai anymore..

Friday, July 27, 2007

Experiment 3

Its been a while since my last graphic experiment/work. Managed to come up with 2 more last week...So here it is....

The Tarot Wheel

Soft Drink Cup

Actually,my pc got problem last two day,so need fixing. But after fixing,most files are gone,luckily my files are still there.....Phew....Haha